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DHIS Software

As an alternative to Web Updates, the classical way of having dynamic DNS with us is to get a DHIS client compiled and ready to go. If your operating system already has DHIS in its ports or packages collection please follow the instructions to have it built. Alternativelly, please download the source code and compile it. The two packages required are dhid-5.5, the DHIS client, and gmp-4.2.2.tar.gz, the GNU multiprecision library required for QRC authentication. If you're looking for a Windows client, please see the third party alternatives.

All DHIS software is released under this BSD style license.


Windows Clients

We don't provide a native Windows client build of dhid but any third party alternative that supports web updates should work with DHIS. Please read the Updating section of this web site in order to learn how to build an update URL.

Other Third Party Cients

  • inadyn-mt - A multi-OS (**NIX, NT, 32bit Win) console/service/daemon dynamic DNS client which supports DHIS and both IPv4 and IPv6 updates.